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Convert a Task to a PDF, Printer Friendly!
What do?
- Install plugin
- Gain sidebar item to “Create PDF”
- PDF is created that is simple and printer friendly
- Win!
- Support for CJK Characters!
- New Feature: Print all open tasks in a project to one PDF.
- New Feature: Can embed attached files to PDFs
To turn on CJK Support, go to Settings > Application Settings, and the toggle will be located toward the bottom of the page.
How can I make Task2pdf utilize my plugin?
1.) Utilize any hook that exists in the templates, to insert your own templates in desired locations.
2.) For image display using internal links you have 2 options.
Option 1: Pass html to printModel->preparePrint function, and then through markdownPlus. Must have plugin MarkdownPlus installed
$this->text->markdown($this->task->printModel->preparePrint($task['description']), isset($is_public) && $is_public)
Option 2: Prepend data:image/png;base64,
to src in img tags, and base64_encode the image data
<img src="data:image/png;base64,<?= base64_encode(file_get_contents(FILES_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$image['path'])); ?>">
Menu item:
Create PDF of a task
Create PDF of all open tasks in a project
Example PDF:
*Embeded files in PDF